• 2024 Caddy Issues Golf Outing

    On August 30th at 2pm. There will be golf, games, contests, and chances to win money both on the course and at the Banquet / Live Show!

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  1. Buckeye NP

    Newest member

    Welcome to the Army, Mark!
  2. Buckeye NP

    Just signed up

    Welcome to the army, 11B Buck!!!
  3. Buckeye NP

    Akron Game thread

    It seems someone may have adjusted some attitudes at halftime...
  4. Buckeye NP

    Georgia Tech beats Florida State!

    There are few things Kris loves more than cancer, but a Georgia Tech upset is one of them.
  5. Buckeye NP

    Akron Game thread

    Illegal numbering? We are finding new ways to shoot ourselves in the foot. Which coach is concerning themselves with kickoff today?
  6. Buckeye NP

    Dez Howard is a MORON!!

    This would be a public service.
  7. Buckeye NP

    Stalions Netflix Doc

    It's just like what we've been saying about Harbaugh, the only question is if they are deluded enough to believe their own bullshit. I get the impression that Connor 100% believes that every team cheats and that he is better at it than everyone else.
  8. Buckeye NP

    Akron Game thread

    Not looking terribly sharp in the first few series... but they seem to be thawing out a bit.
  9. Buckeye NP

    Kris Wellness Check!

  10. Buckeye NP

    Back at it

    Spivan, Thank you for your service, and welcome back!
  11. Buckeye NP

    The UM hammer is nigh!!!!!!

    I heard a few people talking about the impending LOA. If that is the case, then we may see a mass exodus of student athletes like you said. It does make you wonder how much of a last stand this is for the NCAA. The NCAA managed to hold on the the facade of amateurism for so long, that when...
  12. Buckeye NP

    There’s not a slither of a chance, right?

    This is as formidable as I have ever seen Oregon recruiting. I figure that if we can't out-recruit them, we will either need to develop our players more... Or we can develop a system of advance scouting in which we leave our phones and wallets at home and bicycle to Oregon football games...
  13. Buckeye NP

    CURVEBALL: Bourbon & Ball TOMORROW

    Captain Kyle, He knows it's coming from a place of love, right? But if I can't get drunk and yell at world class athletes about how to run a curl route while Zach is bestowing wisdom... I don't know if I want that life.
  14. Buckeye NP

    CURVEBALL: Bourbon & Ball TOMORROW

    One hour to go... no pressure though! Looking forward to watching some film!
  15. Buckeye NP

    Athletes as Employees

    Well said, Buckeye Barr, It is going to be crazy to watch it all unfold! I appreciate your thoughts on all of this! I just wonder how they're going to put this genie back in the bottle.
  16. Buckeye NP

    Athletes as Employees

    That is a very good point. I think that salaries would dictate how long someone stayed in college football. Those good enough would go on to the NFL, and others might stay in the absence of a governing body to tell them they have to "fire their employees" after four, five, or six years. The...
  17. Buckeye NP

    Happy Father's Day!

    Happy Father's Day everybody. An exciting day of sitting in front of a computer for me. Work never ends!
  18. Buckeye NP

    Athletes as Employees

    I think you're right, Kyle, but then that opens a whole new can of worms. No more eligibility to worry about. Athletes could play for years, especially those who never quite make it in the NFL.
  19. Buckeye NP

    Level Up!

    Thank you Buckeye Barr and Captain Barr, I am looking forward to the conversations immensely.
  20. Buckeye NP

    Athletes as Employees

    The state tax implications are huge, I would think. In the long term, it does make you wonder how states with no income tax could use it to their advantage in recruiting. Could we see a final four of Miami vs. Tennessee, and UNLV vs. Texas? Do the Wyoming Cowboys finally get a leg up on some 5...