• 2024 Caddy Issues Golf Outing

    On August 30th at 2pm. There will be golf, games, contests, and chances to win money both on the course and at the Banquet / Live Show!

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  1. Mike Creuzer

    What features would you like to see?

    I agree. Working on getting this built.
  2. Mike Creuzer

    Sorry all fixed!

    Sorry all fixed!
  3. Mike Creuzer

    Im assuming no Bourbon and Ball tonight

    We have a new system rolling out to make it more clear what events are upcoming so hang tight on that. You should have the proper access now. Still working out a few small kinks in the new platform, sorry about that.
  4. Mike Creuzer

    Subscription Issues

    Hey all, I think most people are moving in but might be some small thing somewhere not quite plugged in right. Ill make sure to fix this but only affecting a handful of people as far as I can tell. Sorry for the delay, will get your status and access ASAP.
  5. Mike Creuzer

    What are you listening to now?

    Post a link or video to whatever you're listening to now. A classic thread.
  6. Mike Creuzer

    What features would you like to see?

    Hi all! Let me know what features you guys might like to see around here. Gifs, polls, custom emojis, actual females, anything let us hear it!
  7. Mike Creuzer

    Discount applied incorrectly

    Hey all, we manually refunded (earlier today when we discovered this) where there was an issue, and it only affected the colonel coupon. My mistake on that sorry. If anyone has other issues feel free to post here.