It’s completely excusable. It’s a SEC matchup on Saturday night. Kirby said it’s okay to almost lose to the red headed bastard step child because………
Kirby Smart is awesome. I love what he has to say most of the time. This ^^^ shit is the exception. Let’s almost lose to Michigan State and see how bad Day gets clowned for saying, “It’s the B1G on a Saturday night…..”
As far as the game goes, UK seemed to have heavy DTs. UGA wasn’t getting much of a push from what I saw. I’d like to see us bang it out with them in January now that we have a SEC sized defensive line.
Oh, and they need to fix the LBs fast. (With respects to playing strong in the box.) Reese could smoke people in the box. Only time will tell if he can take good enough, fast enough angles to the edge. Outside contain is always crucial and it would be stressed in the matchup if the big boys can stalemate inside. Hicks would get obliterated against UGA. I don’t think he likes to hit. Can Styles and Simon play downhill fast enough? In my opinion (which is worthless) Styles freakish traits haven’t been converted to a bunch of HOLY SHIT type plays. Then again he reclassed AND changed positions. Perhaps he’s actually a year off? Could he have been slightly overrated? Clearly not like Hicks. I live in Virginia Beach and have no clue on the level of competition where they played. I’m speculating.