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Chip Kelly

I wanted to give my thoughts on this hire and what it truly means for this staff as a whole. These are in no particular order:

- Staff Cohesion
HC Ryan Day
OC/QB Chip Kelly
CO OC/WR Brian Hartline
RB Carlos Locklyn
OL Justin Frye
TE Keenan Bailey
DC Jim Knowles
DL Larry Johnson
CB/Secondary Coach OG Walt
LB James Laurinaitis
Safeties Matt Guerrieri
ST Staff effort.

Ryan Day has his man at OC and it’s the man he “trusts with his life”. Chip Kelly wants to coach the QBs again and call plays. That should scare the fuck out of college football. Everyone on the offensive side of the ball is in a great position to learn from Chip and gain that necessary experience from someone who’s done it all. I also think you have better staff alignment because Chip can lead the Offensive room meetings, while Ryan Day does something else but his message will always be carried out because of Chip and Ryan connection. Thats massive, takes loads of his plate to focus on other areas but still be involved with scheme and overall game plan as a CEO.

- Staff Education
Having Chip as the OC can educate the staff better and “know what he’s saying” when it comes to talking ball and knowing he’s saying. I think is massive just so all the coaches are on board and it allows them to put the best possible personnel in Chips play calls. The staff will get the message and it will be more clear than it’s ever been.

-Play-calling/QB Coach
Just think about all the skill players on offense Ohio State has on its roster one in particular I’m going to point out is Brandon Iniss. I think bro is so versatile. Chip gonna get freaky with his talent no diddy lol! Touching on the Chip calling plays this is what we been asking for! Ryan Day will still be apart of scheme and creating plays for what personnel we have. He said to Ryan Day that he missed being a positions coach, we are very lucky this worked out and we were in a position to bring him in now he can coach the best QBs in college football plus call plays for THE OHIO STATE BUCKEYE athletes and Chips scheme will go crazy. Mark it down💯

-Offensive Refresh
Last thing I’ll touch on is this, I think we been due for a refresh of the offense. Not saying it doesn’t work or it’s stale. I just think Chip is the perfect fit to refresh the offense especially run game. I wouldn’t call it fixed it yet because we haven’t seen it but. I am very optimistic about it. Chip is very creative and that bodes well with the talent we recruit.

In conclusion I’m hyped as fuck, I couldn’t be more excited for Chip Kelly as Offensive Coordinator. What a great way for the staff to be on the same page and give Ryan Day peace of mind when it comes to Chip calling plays. Ryan Day will be able to be more involved with the Defense as well which is a benefit! Go Buckeyes‼️🅾️🌰
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The UM hammer is nigh!!!!!!

I heard a few people talking about the impending LOA. If that is the case, then we may see a mass exodus of student athletes like you said. It does make you wonder how much of a last stand this is for the NCAA.

The NCAA managed to hold on the the facade of amateurism for so long, that when it finally loosened the reigns, it lost them entirely.

Will the NCAA choose to die on this hill? Losing court battles left and right after being the man behind the curtain for so long can't feel great for them.

If they punish TTUN, then they open themselves up to litigation. If they lose a case to a member school, they no longer have any power to dictate rules or mete out punishment.

If they don't punish TTUN, the NCAA will lose every scrap of legitimacy they had left.
It will be interesting to see.
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The UM hammer is nigh!!!!!!

As many of you have already seen. Allegedly the LOA for in person advance scouting is suppose to drop here any day now. A few things that caught my attention. Kris, Zach and company, let us know your thoughts!

A couple things, that people are severely overlooking.

1. This was reported by beat writer Chris Baylas. Whom not only is terrible at his job and does the UM fan base a disservice. But has either downplayed and outright lied during this entire spygate saga.

If he is reporting a multi year bowl ban. Then I’d be willing to bet money that it’s a lot worse, and will be far worse for the UM program. He is 100% downplaying the storm that could follow.

2. The Letter of Allegations DOES NOT include any form of punishment. Like mentioned above; if Baylas is reporting a potential punishment, I’d keep my eyes peeled for greater things to come, much greater.

3. A multi year bowl ban might as well be a death sentence for any program (imo). Assuming a bowl ban takes effect for 2025, your on roster players, in particular juniors and seniors will transfer to a destination where they can compete for a national championship or a playoff run.

Never mind the massive impact this will have on this 2024 cycle recruiting class, as well as the following year and year after.

With a now 12 team format playoff, you arguably have 20 teams that have a legitimate chance at securing a spot. The destination for players to chase post season play (meaningful) has grown by numbers and coast to coast. IMO this hurts UM much more than what the four team playoff format would.

What happens next is once the LOA is received by UM. They have 60 or 90 days (forget which one) to respond. Once they respond, the NCAA will issue the punishment and more than likely an appeal by the university. *opinion; this is where not cooperating in the past to now is going to hurt them the most.

Probably the most overlooked aspect of this, and depending which side you are on, exciting. The NCAA moved at absolute warp speed on this investigation. In my eyes this means one thing and one thing only….The severity and depths at which this went to is more than likely far greater than what it seemed on the surface.

Side note, It’s funny how absolutely spectrum level of stupid the UM fan base is acting.

1. For actually believing anything Baylas as to say.

2. They have yearned so much for a successful season they’re ok with a death sentence of a multi year bowl ban. Just as long as they keep their natty 😂.

This program is done.

#4… San Antonio Holmes?!?!

@AimBotKris, how you, a die hard lifetime Steelers fan, gonna forget about the Super Bowl MVP, the original dog at WR, Santonio Holmes?

Also left off another former Stiller in Willis McGahee’s worst nightmare, former All-American Will Allen.

Campus was filled with #4 jerseys in ‘04-05.

TreVeyon Henderson & Donovan Edwards CAMP Update!

His woobie (Gene Smith) is gone and Ross Bjork is gonna fire that ass if he loses. You think Bjork already has a new HC lined up?
Nah no chance Bjork has another HC lined up. If they do fire Day they will conduct a proper search for a new HC. My only concern is who out there can they replace Ryan Day with that is an upgrade?
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Film Breakdown content question

Understood, but when you pay for a service, you expect the service to be delivered. I eliminated my Patreon subscription to subscribe to the website (at a higher rate, mind you) and now I don't have access to something I used to. If you pay for pizza delivery, are you cool with them dropping it off whenever they get around to it? I would guess not.
That's understandable. Talk to Zach and Kris about it. I have no say or control over it lol
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Film Breakdown content question

Understood, but when you pay for a service, you expect the service to be delivered. I eliminated my Patreon subscription to subscribe to the website (at a higher rate, mind you) and now I don't have access to something I used to. If you pay for pizza delivery, are you cool with them dropping it off whenever they get around to it? I would guess not.
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Film Breakdown content question

I love the film breakdowns...but will we be able to access the old Patreon breakdowns on the new site? The only ones I am seeing that are available are the ones that have been done since the website was launched. Being able to go back and watch the prior episodes would really be great.



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